Sunday, September 13, 2015

Beautiful of National Park of Mount Gede Pangrango

National Park of Mount Gede Pangrango

National Park of Mount Gede Pangrango (TNGGP) is one of Nature that you can enjoy in the area of ​​Tourism Cibodas. Gunung Gede Pangrango which is the source of the beauty of the natural surroundings, including other natural attractions such as the Botanic Gardens and Campgrounds Cibodas Mandalawangi. Has an area of ​​21 975 hectares, the National Park area is covered by tropical rainforest that has an important role in the history of conservation in Indonesia.

big peak pangrango

Interesting from Mount Gede Pangrango
Various types of plants with unique species can be found in the National Park of Mount Gede friend Pangrango this. Ranging from "the giant tree" Rasamala, "the hunter insect" or pitcher plants (Nepenthes spp); diversified forest orchids, and even some types of plants that have not known his name scientifically, like mushrooms that glow.

In addition to plants, the National Park which was inaugurated in 1980 is also a habitat for a variety of wildlife such as ladybugs giants, such as beetles, more than 100 species of mammals such as deer, coney, Coyote, leopard, skunk, etc., as well as 250 species of birds. This area is also the habitat of the Javan gibbon, monkey and eagle Surili and Javanese population is nearing extinction.

The beauty of the National Park of Mount Gede Pangrango
Of course for the climbers, the attractiveness of Mount Gede Pangrango is beauty and natural scenery that can not be found anywhere else except in this Pangrango Gede. It is hard to describe with words, you have to visit it yourself and feel the sensation.

 National Park mountain is big - pangrango Sunset Sunrise Blue Lake Gede Gede Pangrango Pangrango
 Road at the summit of Mount Gede Bridge waterfall Cibeureum Puncak Gunung Gede
 Crater summit of Mount Gede Gunung Gede Pangrango pangrango big mountain scenery looks night
 Camping in the Square Padang Edelweis Gede Pangrango
 Edelweiss sights in the Square
For the hiking trails of Cibodas, you will feel the same thrill when visiting the waterfall Cibeureum because it has the same path. Next you will continue to follow the hiking trail with stunning views of the tropical forests. There are hot springs are often used mainly hikers to rest.

There are also stables Rhinos which is an intersection between the paths of Mount Gede and Mount Pangrango. You can choose to climb the mountain whichever comes first. Then there Rante ramp sloped almost 180 degrees. There you will be helped by stakes rope that has been prepared.

Approaching the summit of Mount Gede, trees which grow shorter with unique species. Once the peak, breathtaking scenery you will encounter. And to arrive at the summit crater, you have to walk a few kilos down the peak Gede Pangrango where the left and right of you is a steep cliff.

If the weather allows, you can camp on the summit of Mount Gede facing directly into the crater. The scenery is extraordinary. But if the weather is unfriendly, you should go down to the Square Suryakancana that there is another side of the cliffs of Mount Gede. On the Square, you can find a vast field that only overgrown by grass and trees of the famous Edelweiss. Time to take pictures in the fields of nature Edelweis very spacious and beautiful.

Again, the illustration above will not be able to describe the actual beauty of the experience of climbing Mount Gede Pangrango. You can use the services of climbing and camping Gede Pangrango we provide.

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