Thursday, September 17, 2015



Loosen nervous and free your mind for adventure in this amazing place. While at the Park-like creatures are on another planet, an experience very memorable and unforgettable when visited.


The main attractions here are the outstanding Coral and the amazing Biodiversity. This place is famous for the high density and variety of small creatures and critters you can find. Several new species have been found around Wakatobi.




Raja Ampat Islands is located on the western part of Papua Island in Indonesia Part. it has over 400 islands with more then 200 dive sites in entire islands.a

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

welcome to bali Food

balinese FOOD 

In this chapter:

  • The staple (main) food of Indonesia, and therefore Bali, is rice
  • Food for the day is prepared in the morning by women
  • Ceremonial food is very different from day-to-day food and is often described as being a feast for the gods
  • There are many traditional Balinese drinks but tea, coffee and water are consumed the most
  • Balinese people traditionally eat using their hands and sitting on the floor
  • Food is eaten with the right hand as the left hand is thought to be unclean

welcome to Prambanan Temlpe

Prambanan Temple

Prambanan temple is extraordinarily beautiful building constructed in the tenth century during the reigns of two kings namely Rakai Pikatan and Rakai Balitung. Soaring up to 47 meters (5 meters higher than Borobudurtemple), the foundation of this temple has fulfilled the desire of the founder to show Hindu triumph in Java Island.

Welcome To Santolo Beach


Santolo beach is a beach located in Garut, West Java, Indonesia. Garut is not only famous for Garut Orange but one popular beaches are in Garut namely Santolo Beach. Located in excl. Cikelet, south of Garut city center or so-called South Garut, Garsel or Garsela, mileage within 3.5 hours drive or around 88 km from the city of Garut. This beach is well known in the city and is a tourist destination.

megalithic sites Borobudur temple

borobudur Photo source: – Do you know what megalithic sites are? Derived from a Greek word, ‘mega’ means big and ‘lithos’ means stone. Hence megalithic sites are structures made from large stones.

Punden Berundak Megalithic Site

Punden Berundak Megalithic Site

Punden Megalithic Site
Pugungraharjo administratively archeological sites located in the village Pugungraharjo, Jabung sub-district, East Lampung regency, Lampung Province, and is at a height of 80 m above sea level. Pugungraharjo site discovered in 1957 by local residents consisting of citizens of migrants during logging. Some loggers, namely Barno Raharjo, Sardi, Karjo and Sawal report the findings to the Department of Antiquities. One of the preliminary findings is a statue known as the statue is characterized by the classical period and berlanggam Buddhist.

Actually, the disclosure of the megalithic tradition in Sumatra have done many experts long before Indonesia's independence, among other things Tombrink, Steinmetz, Ullman, Schnitger, Van der Hoop, and Funke. However Pugungraharjo discovered by the migrants, it is not known by the researchers.
Over the years since its discovery, precisely in 1968, the initial study was undertaken by the Archaeological Institute led by Drs. Buchori. In 1973, the National Institute of Antiquities and Heritage in collaboration with the Pennsylvania University Museum's recording and documenting archaeological Pugungraharjo the results poured in Sumatra Research Report. Research continues and in 1980 carried out the excavation, which resulted in the conclusion that the megalithic complex Pugungraharjo has an area of ​​approximately 25 ha.
In the years 1977/1978 to 1983/1984 years the restoration at the site Pugungraharjo by the General Directorate of Protection and Development of History and Archaeology through the Project Development and Maintenance of Historical and Archeological Lampung.
Viewed from the side chronology, artifacts, and its features, the site Pugungraharjo Archaeological Park is very unique, interesting, and varied. Remains at this site chronologically so complete, ranging from prehistoric, classical (Hindu - Buddhist), until the Islamic period. Artifacts found at the site, among others, foreign ceramics of various dynasties, local ceramics, beads, dolmen, menhir, knife, spear, stone cavities, grindstone, stone pipisan, stone axes, stone trap staircase, bronze bracelets, and stone scratched. Features found on this site include:
Fortress Pugungraharjo
The form of two mound on the west and east. West bastion length of 300 m, while the east of 1200 m with a height of a mound of soil between 2 to 3.5 m, and trenches at a depth of 3-5 m. The castle is not angled shape but circular. In some parts there is a road that connects the outside and inside the castle, and in some places there are doors that are expected as the gateway entrance to the fort.
The fort is estimated as a function of protection from wild animal attacks or attack other tribes. Inside the castle there is a place called the corpse stone complex consisting of rock altars, menhirs and stone scratched on a piece of land square.
In the form of a mound of earth and stones berundak steps, consisting of punden punden west and east. Punden west include punden first two steps, punden II consists of three steps, punden III consists of two steps, and punden IV in the form of a mound of earth as high as 1 m. As in punden east there is a large staircase with three steps and is the biggest staircase surrounded by a small moat. Overall, up to now the number punden on this site as much as 13 punden. A staircase in the easternmost part of the site that measures 8 mx 8 m, according to the locals is the discovery of the statue of Bodhisattva known as Puteri Badariah sculptures by local people. Bodhisattva statue is currently housed in the Museum Site Pugungraharjo.
Perforated stone
There is a stone with a hole in the eastern part of the site, which is near the springs. Perforated stone made of black stone gray that there are four holes on the surface of the flat rock. There are 19 stone with a hole at the site. Perforated stone function is likely to squash something that needs to be refined, as well as associated with funerals.
Stone Mortar
There are two stone mortar on the site Pugungraharjo, namely in the fields in the east of the site, while the other was near the stone corpse.

batu bergoresstone bergores
stone bergores
Stone bergores
The findings contained four stone scratched by a small river on the south side of the site. Scratches form of lines with indentations for fingers, but clearly menunujukkan man's work.
Stone complex Cage (Stone Corpses)
In the form of a group of large stones arranged in the shape of a square with the direction toward the east and west. In the middle of a large group of stone, there are rocks which the locals called the stone corpse. The stone elliptic at both ends carved phallus (the symbol of the male genitals).

Distribution of ceramics found on the site is quite extensive Pugungraharjo wherein the ceramic chronology ranging from the 8th century until the 17th century AD Foreign ceramics found on this site are from the Tang Dynasty, Cing, Sung, and Ming. This evidence indicate that the trade or shipping in the 10th century until the 16th century AD in the region Sekampung Way is very crowded. Even through this Sekampung Way is suspected as the entry path of Islam to Central Lampung, considering the medallion was found Sam Pho Khong in this area.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Beautiful of National Park of Mount Gede Pangrango

National Park of Mount Gede Pangrango

National Park of Mount Gede Pangrango (TNGGP) is one of Nature that you can enjoy in the area of ​​Tourism Cibodas. Gunung Gede Pangrango which is the source of the beauty of the natural surroundings, including other natural attractions such as the Botanic Gardens and Campgrounds Cibodas Mandalawangi. Has an area of ​​21 975 hectares, the National Park area is covered by tropical rainforest that has an important role in the history of conservation in Indonesia.

Padang Montain Megalithic Site

Padang Montain Megalithic Site

A recent analysis of carbon-dating by the Miami-based Beta Analytic Lab has apparently validated findings by a government-sanctioned team that a man-made structure, buried under Mount Padang in Cianjur, West Java, is older than the Giza pyramid.

visit to indonesia


Cleft, Sindoro from Welcome

Altitude lovers and hunters Sunrise Mandatory Climb this mountain
Who does not like the view of the sun rising, or so the term is commonly called the Sunrise? surely you all like dong.
keeps you would rather enjoy the moment Sunrise'nya where?
Mount kah? or beach? or perhaps from the top House?
from anywhere we look, Sunrise remains unbelievably beautiful to enjoy.
for those of you who love Hiking Adventure games at once Lovers Sunrise, you can cobain to climb 10 Mount famous with beautiful Sunrise'nya in Indonesia.




PADI 5 STAR DIVE RESORT Living Colours on Bunaken Island, Manado, North Sulawesi, is a small idyllic resort with a professional dive centre. We are based on Bunaken Island, in the heart of the world famous Bunaken National Marine Park. Our beach front dive centre with high quality dive equipment is run by European PADI Instructors and experienced local diveguides. The ten wooden bungalows are situated on a small hill, only 60 steps from the beach, and have great sea views.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

balinese traditions

There is probably no group in Indonesia more aware of its own ethnic identity than the nearly 2.5 million Balinese. Inhabitants of the islands of Bali and Lombok and the western half of Sumbawa, Balinese are often portrayed as a graceful, poised, and aesthetically inclined people.

visit to Bali


The culture of Bali is unique. People say that the Balinese people have reached self-content. It is not an exaggeration that when a Balinese is asked what heaven is like, he would say, just like Bali, without the worries of mundane life. They want to live in Bali, to be cremated in Bali when they die, and to reincarnate in Bali.